Once Upon a Time In The West Cattle corner ]]> #style17 -3.032208,37.224319,0.000000 Harmonica arrives ]]> #style5 -3.032114,37.224510,0.000000 Preparing for a party at Sweetwater ]]> #style14 -2.447280,37.032604,0.000000 The McBain family massacre ]]> #style19 -2.446306,37.032234,0.000000 Jill arrives at Flagstone ]]> #style11 -3.030177,37.253834,0.000000 Flagstone station ]]> #style1 -3.028817,37.253010,0.000000 Jill and Sam ride through Flagstone ]]> #style6 -3.028584,37.254295,0.000000 Journey through the streets of Flagstone ]]> #style13 -3.028758,37.254601,0.000000 Jill and Sam leave Flagstone heading to Sweetwater ]]> #style2 -3.028415,37.254704,0.000000 The McBain burials ]]> #style3 -2.447746,37.031780,0.000000 Wobbles heads to Morton's train ]]> #style4 -3.029064,37.253017,0.000000 Harmonica hitches a ride ]]> #style10 -3.023461,37.245762,0.000000 Frank returns from Flagstone ]]> #style15 -3.107221,37.354195,0.000000 Morton's last stop ]]> #style18 -3.106534,37.352642,0.000000 The settling of scores ]]> #style8 -2.445837,37.032444,0.000000 Flashback to a young Frank ]]> #style7 -109.971832,37.131275,0.000000 The hanging of Harmonica's brother ]]> #style16 -109.973511,37.129425,0.000000 The railroad arrives at Sweetwater ]]> #style9 -2.446893,37.032196,0.000000 Harmonica leaves Sweetwater ]]> #style12 -2.447044,37.033546,0.000000